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My Weight Loss Success Story

My name is Jainmy Martinez and I'm a proud mother of two beautiful dolls: Einy, 19 years old and Sofia, 5 years old. My body transformation is one of the biggest blessings I've had in my life and I will never thank God enough for it.
Jainmy Martinez daughters
When people see my current pictures, they can not believe that I was a PLUS SIZE MODEL since the age of 16 and I grew up overweight. I remember dreaming as a kid, teenager and adult of at least make it to a size Small, no matter how the shape of my body was going to be... I just wanted to be a size small. I was born chubby and grew up the same way. I always hid my body under lose clothes, felt rejection everywhere: in school, guys, friends and even worse: in the industry I'm involved in: Entertainment: as a Professional Model and Actress.
Jainmy Martinez before and after body transformation
I wouldn't dare to get on a bathing suit. Tried every single diet, magic pills, patches, workout and gave up on everything after the first few hours of starting anything, because I wanted to see results right away and of course I wasn't going to... NOTHING in this life comes easily, you have to earn it! I hated to go shopping because I always got frustrated of not being able to fit into what I liked in the stores... I was always a size Extra-Large (Size 14) since I can remember. 
Jainmy Martinez before and after body transformationJainmy Martinez before and after body transformation

The last thing that really hit me and was my turning point, was when I saw myself on the big cover of a newspaper magazine where I was featured because of a show I worked on for VH1 where I was part of the cast of 12... I felt so bad when I saw myself on that cover that I felt like picking up every issue out there, because of how overweight and horrible I looked. 
Jainmy Martinez before and after body transformation

Everything changed one night (miserable in my room because of the frustration of not getting any results), when I thought I had no more hopes because I thought I had tried everything, I was changing channels and stopped to watch a fitness infomercial and while watching it, I said to myself "This is going to be my last shot... this definitely looks like something I'd enjoy doing", so I ordered it. I promised not to let myself down ever again and commit to it.  My only issue was that for me is VERY hard to curb my appetite with no help and also when I work out I actually get more hungry :-(

I've tried every "magic pill" you can think of and I remembered that years ago my best friend had given me some pills that really worked but they had bad side effects such as lack of sleep (I already have insomnia issues sometimes so that made me worse), had bad dry mouth all the time and made me feel very jittery like my heart was going to come out of my chest.  So with this being said, even though I wanted to desperately lose weight I didn't want to suffer those consequences again. I knew that if I was only able to find a weight loss pill that had the same weight loss effect on me but no side effects that would help my weight loss journey incredibly, so I started doing every research possible day and night to find "my dream magic pills", but of course, never found them because they didn't exist.  So since I was more determined than ever in my life, it hit me one day that a close friend of mine who is a herbalist might be able to help me come up with an effective weightloss product with no side effects, so I reached out to her and the rest is history.  After loooong hours of work, many days and weeks, months, night and day, tweaking here and there, we FINALLY came out with a botanical pill with no side effects.
Besides this, I did my research on how to eat healthy and arranged everything to fit my lifestyle at the time. I would go jogging in NY for 20 mins at a park by my place in Queens where I used to live, come home to my bedroom, dance for half hour with my workout DVD, take my pill and go on about my day perfectly since my new pills curbed my appetite and got rid of my anxiety for eating amazingly. 
This challenge I did it for 90 days and I lost 30 amazing Lbs!! So my body had not only changed, but also my life because I was getting healthier! I was SO excited and knew I could do better so I kept going. By the 5th month, I had lost 50 lbs! 
You might say "Oh yeah it must have been easier for her", well guess what?? It wasn't at all!  I managed to keep the weight off until in 2011 when I got pregnant with my little one Sofia. Then I had her in February 2012 and gained the same 50 lbs back!! NOOO!! There I was again with 198 pounds!!!
Jainmy Martinez before and after body transformation
BUT, Only the difference is that this time I knew how to get rid of the weight since I had my pills and learned how to eat healthy and have a more active lifestyle. After my 12th weeks of giving birth I was back on my normal weight again ONLY taking my pills, healthy eating and sometimes cardio in the mornings.
Jainmy Martinez before and after body transformation
Jainmy Martinez before and after body transformation

Like a miracle from heaven, now my health is better than ever, my career took off incredibly when I lost all that weight and got signed with the top commercial print agencies in NYC booking countless modeling print work, commercials, etc... But I have to admit that the BEST part of all is that I get to help people around the world change their lives... what an awesome feeling!! 

I not only feel and look great, healthy, look younger and AMAZINGLY am a size small now, but have curves that not even in my wildest dreams I dreamt of!!! And because of these curves I now own a successful clothing business where I AM MY OWN MODEL and can support my whole family because of it!! I was one to give up easily but if I could do it, trust me ANYONE could do it!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH GOD for bringing me Slim Miracle in my life!!!! I would have never done it without the help of my GOD and my pills!!
I GET SOO EMOTIONAL OUT OF HAPPINESS when I read people's reviews because it's CRAZY how my biggest struggle, frustration and saddest youth times, turned out to be one of my life's biggest miracles!
Jainmy Martinez before and after body transformation
I hope my story inspires you to commit to yourself and to never give up!!
If you're serious about transforming your body and your life, give Slim Miracle a try! 

God Bless You!
Jainmy Martinez

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